NCL Community Diagnostics Centre

Case studies > Transformation

RFLPS Service Transformation has been supporting the planning, design and delivery of the fantastic NCL Community Diagnostics Centre (CDC) programme in North Central London, in both Wood Green Shopping Centre and Finchley Memorial Hospital.

Scheme highlights

This has involved supporting the NCL Integrated Care System, as well as Royal Free London and Whittington Health as host site leads. This project is part of a Government pledge of £350m to create 40 one-stop-shops for checks, scans, and tests. There will be many more of such centres in the future. Plans to expand the Wood Green and Finchley Memorial Hospital CDCs are already in development.

Since joining the programme RFLPS have managed the establishment of a number of services at Finchley Memorial Hospital, including both a Mobile and fixed MRI, mobile CT and an ophthalmology service. Overall the centre has seen over 31000 patients so far across all specialties, supporting organisations across all of NCL. The team worked closely with clinical teams across the ICS to rapidly mobilise services, with the first scans taking place within weeks of receiving funding for the scheme.

The Wood Green centre is the first CDC to include large imaging equipment. The RFLPS team have coordinated the complex design and cost agreement for this development and are overseeing the construction development. Once complete, the centre will include x-rays, ultrasound, phlebotomy and ophthalmology services, with an ambition to expand to CT and MRI in the second phase.


Developing a programme which met the priorities of the ICS, within a tight affordability envelope was a considerable significant challenge. The RFLPS team have supported the programme team to develop creative solutions which deliver the core requirements, leaving expansion opportunities for future phases.

Key Details

Finchley Memorial Hospital CDC -£4.579m
Wood Green CDC – £5.572m

Services Provided

Programme Management Office
Estates delivery Project Management
Clinical service mobilisation
